DHQ Dismisses Purported Coup Plot Rumours

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ) refuted claims of a coup in the country on Monday, dismissing such information as mere imagination.

This response came in reaction to reports circulating on various platforms alleging heightened alertness within the Guards Brigade and suggesting suspicion of a coup plot in Nigeria.

The reports also implied an emergency meeting between President Bola Tinubu and the Commander of the Guards Brigade in response to these alleged developments.

Brigadier General Tukur Gusau, the Acting Director of Defence Information, issued a statement declaring these claims as “malicious and unfounded.” The DHQ’s statement aimed to quash any unwarranted speculation and assure the public of the stability and security of the nation.

The statement reads: “The Defence Headquarters wishes to categorically state that the allegation is totally false. For the avoidance of doubt, the Guards Brigade has been statutorily assigned the responsibility of protecting the seat of power (The Presidency) and by extension the Federal Capital Territory and its environs. Hence, it is to be noted that the Guards Brigade has always been on high alert in order to effectively executive its assigned tasks.”

“It will be recalled that the Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa OFR had in various fora reiterated the unalloyed commitment of members of the Armed Forces of Nigeria to the protection and sustenance of democracy in Nigeria.”

“Therefore, the Defence Headquarters strongly condemns this unsubstantiated assertion which is just a figment of the imagination of the publisher and enjoins members of the public to disregard it.”

In November, the Chief of Defence Staff General Christopher Musa ruled out the possibility of a coup d’etat in Nigeria, assuring that the Armed Forces is dedicated to standing by democracy.

“I actually came around starting from Imo State I went to Bayelsa, now in Rivers State all through to try and encourage the troops to continue to do more and to remain professional.

“We want Nigerians to be assured that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is here for them, we are here to protect them; we are here to protect democracy and ensure that democracy thrives.

“They should exercise no fear; we have had a number of coups in countries around Nigeria – we had Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. I know there were a lot of apprehensions, I want to assure everyone that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is dedicated, is committed to ensuring, in securing, supporting and standing by democracy,” the CDS said during his first official visit to 6 Division of the Nigerian Army Headquarters in Port Harcourt.