Loggerhead, As Bakers Differs Over Proposed Strike

The planned strike by bakers across the country, scheduled to begin on Tuesday, 27th of February, 2024 has encountered a setback as a faction of bakers has opposed the nationwide strike.

The Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria had earlier announced its intention to commence a nationwide strike on February 27, citing the Federal Government’s failure to honor agreements reached in 2020 and calling for the suspension of all forms of taxation on the bakery industry.

However, in a statement released on Monday, some bakers represented by the Supreme Bakers and Confectioners Association of Nigeria expressed their disapproval of the strike.

They argued that initiating a strike at a time when Nigerians are facing significant challenges is unwarranted and could worsen the situation.

The acting National President of the association, Edmund Egbuji, urged all members to refrain from participating in the strike, emphasizing the need for solidarity and cooperation during these difficult times.

The statement reads: “The BOT chairman and the entire members of the board of trustees in conjunction with the national exco of Supreme Bakers and Confectioners Association of Nigeria wish to bring to the notice of the general public that Supreme Bakers Association will not embark on a nationwide withdrawal of services (strike) proposed by some bakers association in the country.”

“Supreme bakers deem it as unpatriotic at this time of food insecurity and scarcity in the country. Going on strike will never be an option rather the government through its relevant ministries should call for a roundtable discussion to cushion the effects of food scarcity plight.”

“All members of the supreme bakers are hereby directed to go about the business of feeding the nation as any contrary action will add to the pains of the overstretched citizens.”