Northern Group Demands Resignation of EFCC Boss, Bawa, Over Corruption Allegations

A group under the aegies of the Coalition of Arewa Civil Society Organisations (ACSO), has demanded the resignation of the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Abdulrasheed Bawa, over allegations of corruption revolving around him.

The Coalition which made the call in a statement on Sunday, said it was worried with the plethora of allegations on the anti-corruption boss, and believes the right thing for him to do was to honourably step aside.

The statement signed by the Chairman of the ACSO, Adamu Amin Musa, stated that if Bawa fails to heed the advice and resign, he should be sacked and made to face an investigation.

“Abdulrasheed Bawa’s resignation at this point in time is sacrosanct in order to save the reputation of Nigeria before the eyes of the world,” the statement said.

“Mr Bawa has been at the centre of so many corruption allegations even before his appointment as the Chairman, which was believed to be surrounded by so many controversies and mysteries.

“It was alleged that Bawa operates like an emperor, using his office to intimidate, harass and force people to do his bidding, the banks, other Government agencies and innocent Nigerians with backing from his God Father.

“There are also allegations that the EFCC Chairman is using his office to intimidate, harass and force heads of agencies to do his bidding.

“Therefore Mr. Bawa must be probed, investigated and made to face the law to serve as a deterrent for whoever is coming to succeed him, and while the investigation is ongoing, he should resign or be fired for a smooth conduct of the investigation because he cannot be a judge in his own case.

“That is a rule of natural justice. He, therefore, must step aside for a more qualified candidate to take over, to probe his alleged illegal doings and bring him to answer for his (alleged) crimes before the eyes of the law.”