The President of the National Association of Catholic Lawyers (NACL), Lagos Archdiocese, Mrs Florence Atuluku has charged all members to uphold the principles of equity, fairness and justice at all times and appreciate the sanctity of human life so as to make Nigeria a better place for everyone.

This was contained in her Opening Address at the 2023 NACL Annual Conference held on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus.

Read Full Address Below;

Distinguished Chairperson and Panellists, My Lord Justices, Rev. Fathers and Rev.Sisters present, Patrons of NACL, Benchers, Learned Senior Advocates of Nigeria, Learned Seniors, Colleagues, and Friends, Gentlemen of the Press, Distinguished members of the Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria (MULAN); Distinguished members of the Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON), Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the National Association of Catholic Lawyers, Lagos Archdiocese, I welcome you all to NACL Lagos maiden annual conference.

The National Association of Catholic Lawyers, Lagos Archdiocese (NACL Lagos) is the umbrella body of all Catholic Lawyers within the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos united in selfless service at different strata of the Society.

The strategic objectives of NACL Lagos includes the provision of Pro Bono services and deployment of intervention projects for the benefit of the indigent and vulnerable members of the Society; and promotion of good governance as a tool for ensuring equity, fairness and justice for the downtrodden. The birthing of this Conference is one of the Association’s initiatives towards actualising these objectives.

The theme of this maiden Conference is “LEADERSHIP WITH RESPONSIBILITY” a
theme that has been carefully chosen to reflect the present state of our Nation’s sociopolitical history.

Today 13 July 2023, Day 1 of the Conference will feature panel discussions on burning issues in the Nigerian Polity centred on leadership/governance and the economy.

These conversations will be steered by an array of distinguished governance, economic and public affairs analysts who have graciously given their valuable time and wealth of experiences towards the cause to promote a better Nigeria. We look forward to the engaging and impactful sessions lined up for the day.

In addition to driving robust discussions around leadership/governance, the economy, and general development, NACL Lagos seeks to use this Conference as a platform to raise funds to finance its objectives of impacting the lives of the less privileged and vulnerable, and promotion of equity, fairness and justice in the Nigerian polity. In that regard, tomorrow – Day 2 of our Conference will be largely dedicated to a Fund Raising Dinner for NACL Lagos activities with further conversations around good governance, how in our different ways we can impact the lives of the downtrodden by giving back to
the Society and making Nigeria a better place for us all.

As we settle into the Conference and the robust conversations that will follow, let us remember that leading with responsibility starts with each of us playing our roles effectively in whatever environment we find ourselves; taking responsibility for our actions and holding each other accountable; being our brother’s keeper; upholding the principles of equity, fairness and justice at all times; appreciating the sanctity of human life and understanding that our actions or inactions impact negatively or positively on the lives of others.

On a closing note, whilst I understand that this is not a closing remark, permit me to especially thank our distinguished Conference Chairperson, distinguished Panelists and Moderators who responded to our invitations within a very short notice, despite their very busy schedules. My appreciation further goes to the Chairperson and members of the Planning Committee, our wonderful donors, sponsors, and partners who all had worked tirelessly to deliver this maiden conference. To all participants, thank you for responding to our invitation and for showing up despite today being a working day.

We look forward to your active participations in the conversations, and as we all resolve to contribute our quota to nation building and promotion of better life for every Nigerian irrespective of tribe, creed and political leaning.

Thank you.
Florence Atuluku