Lawyers Win Monthly Aerobics Vbank Skipping

Five Lawyers Raqueebah Oloko, Emmanuel,Godspower Ofem,Priscillia and Paschal Ozioko won the Lawyers’ Skipping contest built into the monthly aerobics exercise of the Nigerian Bar Association Lagos.

The monthly aerobics is an initiative of the Sports committee of the Nigerian Bar Association, Lagos aimed at encouraging Lawyers to exercise and live a healthy life through sports and recreation.

The monthly aerobics is being sponsored by Vbank, a top mobile banking app in Nigeria.

The Sports committee promotes a campaign “One Lawyer, One Sport”. The campaign hopes to encourage all lawyers in the association to take up at least one sport. The committee promotes male and female football, Cycling, Tennis, Aerobics & skipping.

The aerobics holds every third Saturday of every month.