First Witness Presented In The Trial of Ondo State House of Assembly Speaker, Two Others

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, today presented its first witness in the ongoing trial of the Speaker of Ondo State House of Assembly, Hon. Oleyelogun David Bamidele and two others, at Ondo State High Court presided over by Justice Adegboyega Adebusoye.

The two others are Hon. Felemu Gudubamikole, chairman of, House Committee on Tertiary Institutions and Oyadeji Oludeji, Secretary to the House Committee on Tertiary Institutions.

Lead in evidence by the prosecution counsel, Ibrahim Audu, the first prosecution witness, Hon. Iroju Ogundeji told the court how he discovered that the sum of N2.4million was collected on his behalf and members of the House Committee on Tertiary Institution to attend a workshop in Lagos which he was not aware of. He told the court that when he discovered it, he met with the Speaker and asked him to refund the money to the government.

‘I asked him to go and refund the money back to government treasury as I would not want my office name to be used to defraud government. After several months, I did not see any evidence of the money paid back. I wrote personally to him telling him to pay back the money to the government,.” he told the court.

The PW1 tendered documents for the release of the fund which were admitted as exhibits.

The defence counsel, Femi Emmanuel Emodamori also crossed examined PW1.

Justice Adebusoye adjourned the case till July 25 and 26, for continuation of trial.

The trio were arraigned by the Benin Zonal Command of the EFCC on a two count charge bordering on conspiracy and using their office to confer corrupt or unfair advantage upon themselves.

Oleyelogun, Gudubankole and Kayode are alleged to have conspired amongst themselves to engage in corrupt practices by receiving and retaining the sum of N2,440,000.00 which was meant to be used to attend a seminar which they never attended.