Young Lawyer Chukwuma Onyekwelu Urges Colleagues to Support Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA President

As the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) presidential election scheduled for July 20, 2024, draws near, Chukwuma Onyekwelu, a young lawyer, has issued a passionate endorsement for Tobenna Erojikwe, calling on his colleagues to support the candidate.

In his endorsement, Onyekwelu praised Erojikwe as “a gentleman who exemplifies the vision, capacity, drive and leadership required to move our Bar forward.” He emphasized Erojikwe’s commitment to revitalizing the legal profession through adherence to international best practices, encapsulated in the slogan “Let’s raise the Bar.”

Onyekwelu highlighted Erojikwe’s extensive experience in Bar leadership, both at the branch and national levels. He particularly commended Erojikwe’s work with the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NBA-ICLE), stating, “Tobenna turned the NBA-ICLE into the most visible and impactful organ of the NBA through various activities and programmes.”

Drawing from personal experience, Onyekwelu shared how he benefited from Erojikwe’s leadership: “As a regular participant in the NBA-ICLE webinars, I attest that I was among those selected on merit (70 persons and the records are on the internet) to attend the 6th ICC Arbitration Africa Conference on International Arbitration in June 2022.” He credited this opportunity with boosting his legal practice.

Onyekwelu made a special appeal to young lawyers, urging them to “protect your interests, join me in voting for Tobenna Erojikwe to build a Bar a Courageous and Resilient Bar, a Bar that is fit-for-purpose, inclusive, and supportive of every lawyer.”

The endorsement concludes with a call for unity and progress: “Together, may we ensure our profession thrives under a visionary leadership. Let us build a Bar where no Lawyer is left behind.”

This endorsement from a young lawyer underscores Erojikwe’s appeal across different generations of legal practitioners and highlights his potential impact on the professional development of Nigerian lawyers. As the election approaches, such grassroots support could prove crucial in mobilizing the large demographic of young lawyers within the NBA.