Why My Son Falz ’Embarrasses’ Government – Femi Falana, SAN

Femi Falana, SAN, a well-known human rights lawyer, has said that the upbringing of his son, rapper Folarin Falana, better known as Falz, is what causes him to embarrass the government.

Speaking on Sunday at the Oluyinka Odumakin Lecture’s 2nd anniversary in Lagos, Falana claimed his son had previously been troubled by his many arrests as a lawyer.

He saw that Falz wondered if his father was a criminal who frequently was caught because of this.

Falana made this statement a few days after his son’s latest single, “Yakubu,” starring fellow rapper Vector, was released.

He said, “One of these guys one day said, ‘Falana talk to your son; he should stop embarrassing the government’. I said which government? You mean that boy who is an adult? Can I give you his number so you can talk to him? But be careful because when that boy was growing up, I was being arrested from time to time. So, the only language he understood was detention, arrest and the rest of them.

“One day, when that boy was six, he asked his mother, “Our teacher taught us that only criminals were arrested. Is my father a criminal? Why is he always being arrested? And the mother had to say that in Nigeria, under the military, only two sets of people were arrested: Criminals suspects and political suspects. Political suspects are those who are out to expose the criminality of the government. That is what you see going on.”