“Transitions in life can offer opportunities for discovery.” – Robbie Shell

On behalf of the Chairmen and members of all the branches of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Lagos State, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 62nd Annual General Conference (AGC) of the NBA.

It is commendable that for close to 62 years, the NBA has sustained the tradition of gathering in large numbers to interrogate topical legal issues, review the state of our dear nation, network and take the very needed rest from the rigors of legal practice.

Reflecting on the theme of this year’s conference, I recall that His Lordship, Galinje JCA (as he then was), said in Leo Melos Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd V.Union Homes Savings & Loans Ltd (2020) LPELR-4431 (CA) (Pp. 7-8 Paras. F) that “any law that does not provide for the transition of actions that are pending, cannot by any stretch of imagination be a good law.” Taking his cue, I am emboldened to say that any Association that does not provide for transition of pending actions cannot be a good Association. It is only by bold transitions that right strides of receding administrations can be sustained or improved upon.

I have the enviable duty of welcome you to Lagos (originally known as Èkó), the Center of Excellence , the largest city in Nigeria and the second most populous city in Africa, with a population estimated at 28 million. The city of bold transitions… and pacesetter on many fronts.

The night life here is arguably the best in Nigeria. Tourist attractions abound. Please do not forget to savour the taste of Amala and Ewedu you have been hearing about, as well as witnessing the cultural displays and theatre arts you read about. I can tell you ( without the need to send you an invoice for professional fees) that the warmth , hospitality and conviviality of Lagosians is second to none.

I encourage you to take time to appreciate all that Lagos has to offer. Do not, as you move around this mega city that planning is very important. So, please plan your movement so you do not get stuck in traffic jams.

Once again, welcome to Lagos, the city of aquatic splendor, cultural attractions and mouth-watering cuisine. Have a splendid conference experience.