We Will Start Going After Those Calling For Coup – Chief Of Defence Staff

Gen. Christopher Gwabin Musa, the Chief of Defence Staff, has issued a stern warning that the military will pursue individuals advocating for a coup d’état in Nigeria. He condemned such actions, labeling those involved as enemies of the nation, and emphasized that the law would inevitably catch up with them. Musa reiterated the Armed Forces’ commitment to defending and upholding democracy in Nigeria, affirming that they are fully prepared and vigilant in their duties.

Speaking at the inauguration of the main entrance of the 6 Division, Nigerian Army, and Officers Transit Accommodation in Port Harcourt, Gen. Musa emphasized the military’s dedication to safeguarding the nation’s democratic principles. Despite acknowledging the challenges facing the country, he criticized calls for a coup, asserting that such actions are not an option. He emphasized the progress and development achieved under democracy, highlighting its importance for Nigeria’s growth and stability.

Gen. Musa’s remarks underscore the military’s stance against any attempts to undermine the democratic process in Nigeria. By reaffirming their commitment to protecting democracy, he sends a clear message that the Armed Forces are resolute in maintaining law and order while rejecting any form of unconstitutional power grab. His words serve as a reminder of the vital role played by the military in upholding democratic values and ensuring the stability and progress of the nation.

According to the CDS: “Whoever is making that call (coup) does not love Nigeria. We want to make it very clear that the Armed Forces of Nigeria are here to protect democracy.”

“We all want democracy and we do better under democracy. And so we will continue to support democracy. And any of those ones that are calling for anything other than Democracy are evil people and I think they don’t mean well for Nigeria.”

“And they should be very careful because the law will come after them. We can see that with democracy a lot of things are happening in Nigeria. Yes we are going through trying periods, I mean in life nothing is hundred percent.”

Musa called on citizens to be patient and give their support to the government to succeed and put the enemies of state to shame.”

He said the incumbent administration was doing its utmost to improve the economy and address other challenges across the country.

Musa said: “Everybody goes through a trying period in life, and it is what you do with them. You can see the government putting efforts to ensure that we come out better.”

“And it is when you go through difficulties and come out better you will really appreciate what it is to build a nation. And so we are going through our trying period, but I can assure Nigerians that it will get better.”

“All we need is all of us to put our hands together to ensure that we defeat those enemies of the government, those enemies of this country that don’t want us to succeed.”

“We will surely succeed and the Armed Forces are here to support the Government in ensuring that we develop, we succeed and to see that there is peace in Nigeria.”