Protest Suspension: Group Faults NLC of Compromise, Inconsistency

The Alliance for Social Justice(ASJ), a Civil Society Group, has leveled serious criticisms against the current leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), led by Joe Ajaero, accusing them of inconsistency, deception, and insincerity in addressing critical national issues.

This criticisms comes in the wake of the NLC’s decision to suspend the second day of their planned protest concerning the country’s poor state.

In a statement issued in Abuja and signed by their Chairman, Linus Akpegwu, the ASJ group expressed serious concern over the lack of credible national goals set by the current NLC leadership.

The group further highlighted that recent events have eroded the credibility and trustworthiness of the NLC’s leadership, indicating a significant decline in its effectiveness.

The Civil Society Group added that the current NLC leadership has failed to represent the best interests of Nigerian workers, attributing it to their involvement in political maneuvers and personal conflicts.

They further said that Nigerian workers deserve better representation, while urging the NLC to prioritize the concerns of those they are meant to serve.

According to the Group, “The NLC cannot fulfill its mandate effectively if it continues to be led by individuals more concerned with political games than the welfare of Nigerian workers. We are calling for a reevaluation of the NLC’s leadership to ensure that it aligns with the interests of the working class with a pointer to addressing their pressing needs”.