Prominent Lawyer and Former Bayelsa Environment Commissioner, Iniruo Wills, Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA Presidency

In the wake of the highly successful NBA-ICLE/NCDMB Energy Law Training held in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, prominent lawyer and former Bayelsa State Commissioner for Environment, Iniruo Wills, has publicly endorsed Tobenna Erojikwe for the Presidency of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA).

Wills, who is the Managing Partner at the Port Harcourt-based law firm Ntephe, Smith, and Wills, expressed his excitement about the possibilities emerging for the legal profession and Nigerian society at large. In a statement released today, he emphasised the need for innovative solutions to pressing legal and social issues, particularly in applying law as a cornerstone of development.

“I am excited with the possibilities thrown up for our profession and our polity by the candidates with diverse competencies and interests aspiring for leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association,” Wills stated. He went on to highlight the importance of innovative leadership, especially in the current climate: “We need, especially at this time, innovative solutions to pressing legal and social issues, including the application of law as the cornerstone of development.”

Wills specifically praised Erojikwe’s vision and energy, citing his work with the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NBA-ICLE) as evidence of his capability to drive transformative change within the NBA. “Tobenna Erojikwe has demonstrated the extraordinary vision and vim required for driving the vital new approach for a transformative NBA. I appreciate how he has tested that vision in his stellar NBA-ICLE work,” Wills noted.

The endorsement comes on the heels of the recently concluded and highly successful NBA-ICLE/NCDMB (Nigerian Content Development and Management Board) Energy Law Training in Yenagoa, where Erojikwe, as the Chairman of NBA-ICLE, played a pivotal role in organising and executing the comprehensive two-day program. The training, which brought together over 500 lawyers from across Nigeria, showcased Erojikwe’s leadership skills and commitment to professional development in the legal sector.

Wills, known for his advocacy on law and development, oil and gas, and human rights issues, views Erojikwe’s candidature as a potential turning point for the NBA. “I therefore support his candidature and look forward to a historic inflection point for the NBA,” he concluded.

This endorsement from a respected figure in Nigeria’s legal and environmental circles adds significant weight to Erojikwe’s candidacy. It also highlights the growing recognition of the need for innovative leadership within the NBA to address the evolving challenges facing the legal profession and society at large.

As the NBA leadership race continues to unfold, this endorsement lends credence to Mr Erojikwe’s success with the NBA-ICLE, his overall ability to initiate, drive, and execute strategic programmes on law, society and development. Endorsements from influential figures like the versatile and cerebral Mr Wills position Tobenna as a strong contender for driving the NBA towards a more transformative future.