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Those who paid fees related to drug-related crimes that have since been voided by the state Supreme Court may now begin the process of getting reimbursed.
According to Skagit County Superior Court Clerk Melissa Beaton, $552,696 in state funding is available through the end of June to reimburse the estimated 2,400 people eligible in Skagit County.
In February 2021, the state Supreme Court ruled the law making simple possession of a small amount of drugs such as heroin or methamphetamine was unconstitutional, requiring local courts to invalidate prior convictions.
This Supreme Court ruling is commonly known as the Blake decision. It is named after Shannon Blake, who brought the case forward.
In its written opinion, the Supreme Court asserted excessive jail time and legal penalties deprived those convicted of certain rights and opportunities, without requiring proof they knew they were in possession of an illegal substance.
Those who believe they are eligible for reimbursement can fill out an application online at, according to a news release from the county.
Beaton said reimbursement applies only to fines and fees that have already been paid, and is only available to those who were not also convicted of a felony in addition to simple possession of a controlled substance.
Reimbursement will not be available for attorney fees or other expenses related to the charge, she said.
Applicants will need to upload a copy of their state ID and should also have their case number, which is available at
— Reporter Brandon Stone: [email protected], 360-416-2112, Twitter: @Brandon_SVH
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