Police Arrests Government Officials Caught Sealing N31m At The Governor’s Office

Government officials in the Katsina state Governor’s office have been arrested over an unspecified amount of money at the Governor’s office on Sunday night.

Governor Aminu Masari’s Director General on New media, Al-Amin Isah, said he did not know the amount stolen but it is supposed to be around  N31 m.

It was also learnt that the theft occurred on Sunday night during rainfall.

Isah told journalists ” Those suspected to be involved have been arrested by the police. Investigation has already commenced. But, I don’t know the amount alleged to have been stolen.”

Insiders further revealed that the image of a man who stole the money was captured by the Closed Circuit Camera installed at the Financial Controller’s office at the Governor’s office.One of the sources revealed, “The thief was seen on the CCTV at the Financial Controller office. He entered the office through the window. He was also seen leaving the office with a large sack which he kept the money inside.”

Attempts for comments or clarification from the spokesman for the Katsina police command, SP Gambo Isah, were unsuccessful.

The spokesman did not pick up his calls, and he was yet to respond to the SMS sent to him on the incident as of press time.

The police command said then that there was a “conspiracy theory” in the incident.