PDP: Nigerian Judiciary Is On Trial, Rejects 2023 Election Results

The results of the presidential election as reported by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, have been rejected by the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Council (PDP PCC).

Don Pedro Obaseki, the PDP PCC’s Director of Planning and Strategy, discussed the position with the media in Abuja.

He emphasized that given how obviously rigged the election was, it would be difficult for any serious nation to take Nigeria seriously when it came to democracy and the rule of law.

Obaseki said, “We have gone through a round of the most dastardly skewed election in the history of this country, I don’t want to say since the return to democracy.

“It is an accepted fact that this election was indeed brazenly rigged beyond all known ethics and ramifications.

“However, what is a little bit disturbing in the media space particularly in the social media space, is that the election was stolen. But from whom was it stolen?

“There must be a frontline, primary victim of the theft. The first-degree victim of that is my party and presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar.

“Secondly, we are aware that in Nigeria since 1960 at independence and since we became a Republic in 1963, no court has upturned even the most brazen election before now.

“All those elections pales in comparison to what befell Nigerians in 2023.”

The PDP Campaign Director went on to say that it is crucial to alert the Nigerian judiciary to the fact that the foundation of the country is at stake. As a result, whatever decision the Justices of the Supreme Court and everyone else involved in the process of adjudication in this electoral matter make must adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the constitution.

He further said, “The onus lie upon them to look at both the spirt and letters of the law and the very marginalized feelings of every Nigerian and do what is right and correct in the public domain so as to save this country and the sanctity of our common wealth.

“They must understand that the 2023 presidential election tribunal proceeding is not just the petitioner and the respondent that are on trial. It is the Nigerian judiciary that is on trial.

“This is why I called my friends as those who are the fourth estate of the realm and those who must be the forebearers of the conscience of this country , so that we begin to talk and not be dwarfed in the noise of the theft or those who never even within the election result, and the real elections, not the ones that Mahmood Yakubu announced.

“And the implications therefrom of the functions officio position that has been taken by Mahmood Yakubu in pronouncing the APC presidential flag bearer the winner of the election.”