Omoniyi Onabule Esq., a former YLF Lagos Branch EXCO Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA Presidency

The two candidates (Mr. Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN and Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe) from the Branch are the candidates that I believe eligible voters should pay special attention to in the coming elections based on track record. As someone who has worked with the two candidates from the Branch, I strongly believe Tobenna is the candidate for the coming elections, and I strongly endorse him accordingly.

I was an executive member of the Young Lawyers Forum of Mr. Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN’s administration. Conversely, I was a coordinator at the 2022 conference where Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe led the conference planning committee. I have, first hand, seen both men handle challenges, and to be frank, I personally believe Tobenna Erojikwe has the characteristics of unifying the Bar. He welcomes divergent views and embraces all.

Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe is someone who keeps his word, regardless of whether the world is looking or not. At a time when a lot is going wrong in society, NBA requires a man of integrity who is able to enable NBA to become the watchdog that it ought to be in the society. At a time when lawyers are facing several challenges, NBA requires a man who appreciates the challenges and has, over the years, played an active role in addressing some of these challenges.

Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe is, in my view, an excellent administrator who listens, a deep thinker with a more friendly personality and an incredible leader who knows how to get the best out of his team. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly endorse Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA President.

Omoniyi Onabule Esq.