Olaide Oluwayomi-Ajewole Cleared By The NBA Lagos Branch Electoral Committee To Contest For The Office of Welfare Secretary

Olaide Oluwayomi-Ajewole has been cleared by the NBA Lagos Branch 2023 Electoral Committee to contest for the position of the Welfare Secretary of the Branch at this year’s elections which is scheduled to take place on the 27th day of June, 2023.

In a circulated statement, the welfare Secretary candidate said she is excited with the opportunity to serve and look forward to contributing her quota towards the improved welfare of branch members.

Read Full Statement Below;

Dear Learned Silks, Distinguished Seniors and Esteemed Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce that I have been cleared by the Electoral Committee to run for the position of Welfare Secretary.

I am indeed grateful to all for your friendship, support and commitment thus far.

I am excited with the opportunity to serve and look forward to contributing my quota towards the improved welfare of branch members.

In line with the Electoral Committee’s requirements, I will be submitting same timeously.

I implore everyone to attend the remaining meeting.

Your Welfare, My Priority
Yours Truly,
Olaide Oluwayomi-Ajewole
Candidate, Welfare Secretary
NBA Lagos Branch