Officer Caught on Camera Shooting in Ladipo Market Identified By Lagos Police

Inspector Istifanus Kwanchi, identified as the individual seen firing an AK47 rifle in Ladipo Market in a viral video, serves in a Lagos squadron of the Mobile Police (MOPOL), according to the Lagos State Police Command. Commissioner of Police, CP Idowu Owohunwa, responding to the incident, has promptly initiated disciplinary proceedings against Kwanchi. The officer faces repercussions for his actions, deemed unprofessional, unethical, and perilous.

SP Benjamin Hundeyin, confirming the Commissioner’s directives, highlighted the commencement of disciplinary measures. In addressing public concerns, the Lagos Police Public Relations Officer emphasized the Command’s uncompromising stance against any deviant behavior exhibited by its officers. The commitment extends to ensuring that those found guilty face appropriate consequences as per established protocols.

The predicament for Inspector Kwanchi originated when he was recorded discharging rounds into the air as part of celebratory gestures marking the reopening of Ladipo Market. The incident’s swift condemnation and the initiation of disciplinary proceedings underscore the authorities’ commitment to upholding professionalism and maintaining public safety.

In the viral video which was shared on X on Tuesday, the officer was seen shooting into the air while onlookers cheered him on.

The market was “sealed for several environmental offences, including reckless waste disposal, unhygienic premises, and non-payment of waste bills, among others” in September.

It was reopened two weeks after following their compliance with the state’s environmental laws.