Nta Ekpiken Nkpang, Immediate Past NBA Lagos Branch Secretary Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA President

Nta Ekpiken Nkpang, the immediate past secretary of the NBA Lagos Branch, has officially endorsed Tobenna Erojikwe for the position of NBA President. In a heartfelt statement, Nkpang highlighted Erojikwe’s leadership qualities and his significant contributions to the legal profession in Nigeria.

Nkpang, who worked closely with Erojikwe on various NBA initiatives, described him as an “extremely brilliant and incisive mind that would not let a point go without drilling it down and encouraging a flow of ideas while insisting on a landing.” This observation stems from their first encounter when Erojikwe was introduced to Nkpang and colleagues at Aluko and Oyebode.

The endorsement emphasises Erojikwe’s commitment to lawyer development, particularly through his role as Chairman of the CLE Committee of the NBA Lagos Branch. Nkpang noted, “It was critical to you that the NBA focus on quality training and development initiatives without charging fees to its members. You instituted the Group Mentorship Initiative and the One-to-One Mentorship Scheme, and through them, you created opportunities for many young lawyers and older ones.”

Erojikwe’s leadership of the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NBA-ICLE) was also praised, with Nkpang stating that he “still push[es] the philosophy of accessibility, affordability, and availability of development initiatives.”

A significant portion of the endorsement focuses on Erojikwe’s leadership during the 2023 NBA Conference Planning Committee (TCCP). Nkpang described his leadership as “effortless” and highlighted his resilience in the face of challenges: “You led the team in such an extraordinary and efficient way that we all thought that nothing could go wrong, but when issues arose, you faced them head-on and told everyone else to act out the script that the show must continue.”

Nkpang particularly commended Erojikwe’s integrity and commitment to quality, stating, “You refused to be persuaded to give substandard-quality bags to our members but rather risked your reputation for excellence in order to do what you believed was right.”

The endorsement concludes with a strong recommendation: “In all the capacities mentioned above, we encountered a courageous, innovative, disciplined, principled, and selfless leader. I heartily recommend you as the best candidate for the office of president of this dear association.”

As the NBA presidential election approaches, this endorsement from a recent key figure in the NBA Lagos Branch adds to the growing support for Erojikwe’s candidature, highlighting his leadership experience and commitment to the development of the legal profession in Nigeria.