No Major Fraud Is Committed Without The Connivance Of Bank Officials – EFCC

According to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), no significant fraud in the banking industry has been carried out without the knowledge of bank workers.

In an interactive session with bank compliance officers from Kwara and Kogi states, the commander of the EFCC’s Ilorin zonal command, Michael Nzekwe, made this statement while advising bankers to be familiar with both their clients’ personal and professional lives.

“We invited you here today to nourish our existing relationship, educate ourselves on the new trends in cybercrime and seek areas of further collaboration as stakeholders in the fight against economic and financial crimes in Nigeria.

We advise that as bankers, you carry out due diligence and know your customers. By doing this, you save yourselves from trouble and make our job easier. There is no major fraud, especially money laundering, that is ever committed without the connivance of bank officials.”, he said.