NBA Women Forum Holds AGM, Presents Awards of Recognition, Inaugurates New Committee Officers And State Leads

The Nigerian Bar Association Women Forum (NBAWF) on the 28th of August held its highly anticipated Annual General Meeting, a significant event that celebrated the achievements of the past year and laid the groundwork for future initiatives. The gathering was infused with a spirit of unity and purpose, as members from across the country came together to discuss pressing issues, strategize for the coming year, and honour individuals whose contributions have significantly advanced the Forum’s mission.

Mrs. Chinyere Okorocha, the outgoing Chairperson, provided a comprehensive account of her stewardship during her tenure. She highlighted the various events and initiatives undertaken, including the notable appointment of Patrons, which stands as one of the key achievements under her leadership. This event also marked the conclusion of the two-year tenure of the current executives, led by Mrs. Okorocha, whose leadership has left an indelible mark on the Forum.

A key highlight of the meeting was the inauguration of new committee officers and State Leads who will guide the Forum forward, alongside the unveiling of the Forum’s Bye-Laws and Operational Manual. This document provides detailed guidance on the structure and governance of the Forum, ensuring that its activities are conducted with clarity and purpose.


In her inspiring address, Mrs. Okorocha urged the newly elected officers to embrace their roles with unwavering dedication and a clear sense of purpose. She underscored the significance of their responsibilities in guiding the Forum towards even greater accomplishments, particularly in its ongoing mission to advocate for the rights and empowerment of female lawyers in Nigeria. Her words served as a powerful reminder of the pivotal role that strong, focused leadership plays in advancing the Forum’s goals and ensuring its continued success.

Mrs. Okorocha further emphasized that the new leadership’s actions would be vital in building on the progress achieved in previous years. She encouraged them to carry out their duties with the utmost diligence, integrity, and a deep commitment to service. By doing so, they would not only honor the trust placed in them but also inspire others within the legal community to contribute meaningfully to the cause.

The event also featured the presentation of awards to the outgoing executives, members of the Governing Council, Committee Officers, State Leads and Branch Facilitators, recognizing their dedicated service and significant contributions to the NBAWF. This recognition serves as a fitting tribute to their efforts in advancing the Forum’s objectives and ensuring its continued success.

The NBAWF is known for advancing the cause of female lawyers and empowering them for success in the legal profession.

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