NBA Lagos Law Week Planning Committee Extends Early Bird Registration

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Lagos Branch Law Planning Committee has decided to extend the early bird registration for their upcoming Law week to 21st of May, 2024.

This extension provides potential attendees with additional time to take advantage of discounted registration fees.

Esteemed members of the Branch are to take advantage of the extension to register early for a most promising and very engaging Law Week.

Read More Details Below;

Dear Esteemed Members,

To further drive inclusivity and greater participation of our esteemed branch members,the 2024 Law Week Planning Committee of NBA, Lagos Branch,has extended the deadline for the early bird registration,as authorsised by the Executive Committee of the Branch.

We urge esteemed members of the Branch to take advantage of the extension to register early for a most promising and very engaging Law Week.

The Executive Committee of the Branch has also made special arrangements for bulk/group registration. Law Firms, Organisations and persons that wish to do bulk/group registration should please contact Harold on +234 803 292 8072

Publicity Team
2024 Law Week Planning Committee