NBA Lagos Electoral Committee Clears Emuobonuvie Majemite for the Position of Branch Secretary

The Electoral Committee of the NBA Lagos Branch has on Sunday, May 14, 2023 cleared Emuobonuvie Majemite to run for the position of branch secretary in the upcoming branch election.

Speaking to Lawhauz Correspondent, Emuobo expressed his enthusiasm to serve as Secretary and deliver a technologically-driven and result-oriented Secretariat.

Read Full Statement Below;

May 15, 2024

Dear learned silk, seniors and colleagues,

I received with excitement and gratitude to God, the notice of my qualification to run for Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, Lagos Branch from the Electoral Committee.

I appreciate my teeming supporters who have bought into the Innovative Service project.

I am keen to share my manifesto with my dear Premier Branch, to inform them of my promise to deliver a technologically-driven and result-oriented secretariat.

In the coming weeks leading up to the election, particularly during the hustings held in the best traditions of the Bar, I will give details of my plans to improve service delivery at the secretariat.

I eagerly look forward to the engagements.

Emuobonuvie Alfred Majemite
Candidate, Secretary of NBA Lagos Branch

Download The Notice of Qualification Here