The President of The Nigerian Bar Association, Olumide Akpata will be speaking with other past presidents of the association at the forthcoming Annual General Conference in Lagos.

The current NBA administration will complete two-year tenure in office at the conclusion of the 2022 Annual General Conference. There is no gainsaying that the administration has continuously enjoyed wide spread support from members of the NBA. It has also received plaudits for it’s several impactful initiatives.

The session will examine how the laudable initiatives of the present administration have built on the efforts of previous NBA administrations and the foundation it lays for future administrations.

The session will also examine transition and sustainability of projects executes by successive NBA administrations and identify ways of keeping the NBA responsive to the needs of the members and the society at large.

The session will come up on Tuesday 23rd, August, 2022 with the theme NBA in Transition; Conversation with the NBA Presidents.