Distinguished Colleagues,

By a provisions of Section14 (1 (l)and 2(l) of the Constitution 2015 as amended in 2021 of the NBA Constitution as well as PartIX of the appellate power to be vested in the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) have been taken away and are now vested in the newly established National Election Appeal Committee.

The National Election Appeal Committee is to receive and resolve complaints and disputes arising from the conduct, by the ENCBA, of election of National Officers and election of the representatives of the NBA in the General Council of both of which elections are scheduled to hold in July 2022.

In the same vein, Section14 (1) (m) and Section14 (2) (m) of the NBA Constitution as well as 17.5 of the Third Schedule  to the NBA Constitution vest in the Branch Election Appeals Committees, the powers tohear and determine appeals arising from elections into the various Branch offices conducted by the Election Committees.