Nationwide Strike Paralyses Court Activities

Lawyers and litigants in Lagos State were significantly impacted on Monday by the indefinite strike action declared by organized labour, which is in dispute with the Federal Government over the new minimum wage. The strike resulted in the shutdown of courtrooms across the state.

According to reports, judicial workers adhering to the strike, stayed away from their posts, and members of the Judicial Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) turned lawyers and litigants away at the gates of the courthouses. This effectively halted legal proceedings and access to judicial services.

At the Federal High Court in Lagos, some staff who arrived early for work were eventually sent home due to the closure of the courtrooms. This scenario was replicated across all divisions of the Lagos State High Court, the Court of Appeal, the National Industrial Court, and the Magistrate Courts within the state.

The strike, driven by the demand for a new national minimum wage and protests against the hike in electricity tariffs, has disrupted not only the aviation sector but also the judicial system, highlighting the extensive reach and impact of the organized labour’s actions.