Chief Dr. Mrs Onikepo Nike Akande, CON, OON, F.IOD has called for a total revamp in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors of the economy.

This was made known in her address at the inaugural annual conference of the National Association of Catholic Lawyers (NACL) held today at the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus.

In her address, she noted that this would be the revamping is necessary “in order to strengthen the competitive edge of our local service providers in international markets and attract foreign investment.”

Read Full Statement Below;

Distinguished Guests, various industry representatives and stakeholders here
present, it is my singular honour and privilege to welcome you to the Inaugural Annual Conference of the National Association of Catholic Lawyers (NACL) Lagos Archdiocese.

I congratulate the NACL Lagos on the occasion of her Inaugural Conference aptly themed, Leadership with Responsibility. The NACL is one of the voices through which the Catholic Church speaks truth to power in our Nation and I must say that this Conference is timely.

Given our democratic history as Nigerians, the milestones we have achieved as a Nation in relation to where we want to be or should be can only be measured in terms of our economic development and the resultant effect of our policies at the grassroots. Taking a look at the events and circumstances leading to the recently concluded gubernatorial elections, the different instances of insecurity and violence, the attendant economic instability, one is compelled to muse in the words of the late Nigerian music legend, Mr. Sonny Okosun, “Which way Nigeria?” Indeed, the different facets of our Society – socio-political and economic – must synergise to deliver on the promises made by our leaders, hence the call to responsibility and accountability.

A look at the sub-topics of this  Conferenceshows an attempt to tackle the question of leadership from an all-inclusive viewpoint. This seeks to identify the unifying factors in our diverse socio-ethnic heritage; call holders of political office to account by implementing sanctions for corruption and non-performance; revamp the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors of our economy in order to strengthen the competitive edge of our local service providers in international
markets and attract foreign investment. Achieving this will, of course, require
mending the rifts that have steadily widened through tribal and cultural differences.

The choice of session themes are packaged for evaluation by an array of
stakeholders carefully selected from the cream of the legal profession and academia, financial services and capital markets and promise an engaging experience. I definitely look forward to having conversations on:
• Fostering leadership through the lens of diversity
• Accountable governance
• Innovation as a viable tool for economic growth
• Truth and reconciliation: a panacea for peace and economic development
in Nigeria

The high point of this two-day event is the Fundraising Dinner for the pro bono
interventions of NACL. It is my hope that everyone of us here present will support
NACL by your active participation at this Conference and your generous
donations at the dinner.

I am confident that you will leave this Conference really enriched and so I wish
you happy deliberations and a successful Conference.

Thank you.