MRS Joyce Oduah, The General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, Elected The Vice President West Africa, Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU)

At the Triennial General Assembly of PALU held today the 30th day of June, 2022, Mrs. Joyce Oduah, FICMC, the General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association was elected the Vice President West Africa, Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU).

She is the first female to occupy that office since the inception of the Union. She will serve the Union with the President of PALU and four other Vice Presidents — Central Africa, Southern Africa, Northern Africa and Eastern Africa — for a three year tenure.

PALU is the premier Continental Lawyers membership forum of and for individual African Lawyers and Lawyers’ Associations in Africa.

Congratulations to our Amazon. You have done it again, another first.

We wish you a very successful tenure, God’s guidance, protection and monumental achievements during your tenure.

Benjamin Ajunwa
NBA Lagos