Minimum Wage: Labour Declares Indefinite Nationwide Strike June 3

Organised Labour, under the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC), has announced an indefinite nationwide strike starting Monday, June 3rd. This decision comes in response to the federal government’s failure to conclude negotiations on a new national minimum wage and to reverse the recent power tariff increase.

The announcement was made after it was reported that the Labour unions were poised to take action if the tripartite committee responsible for the new national minimum wage did not meet their expectations. The unions have expressed dissatisfaction with the pace and outcomes of the negotiations, which they see as critical for improving the living standards of Nigerian workers.

In addition to the wage negotiations, the unions are also protesting against the increased power tariffs, which they argue place additional financial burdens on workers and the general populace. The strike aims to pressure the government into addressing these issues promptly and effectively.

As the strike date approaches, significant disruptions are expected across various sectors, including public services, transportation, and utilities. The unions have urged all members to fully support the strike to compel the government to take swift and decisive action in addressing their demands. The situation highlights the ongoing struggle between the Labour unions and the government over economic and social issues affecting workers nationwide.

At briefing, leaders of NLC and TUC pleaded with Nigerians to bear with them, saying “Apologies for inconveniences but commitment to pursue the cause to its conclusion.”

The federal government invited the leadership of organised labour for fresh talks on Friday as it battled to meet the May 31 deadline set by the union for the government to end negotiations on the proposed new minimum wage.