Man Jailed 14 years for Attempting To Sexually Assaulting Minor

A 54-year-old man, Monday John, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for attempting to sexually assault a 13-year-old girl.

The Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Court in Ikeja, Lagos State, delivered the verdict.

Justice Rahman Oshodi described the facts of the case as “disturbing” and emphasized that John’s actions had caused significant harm and trauma to the victim.

“I have considered your guilty plea and willingness to take responsibility for your crimes by entering into the plea bargain agreement,” Justice Oshodi said.

“However, this does not detract from the gravity of your offence. The law is clear that a child under the age of 18 cannot consent to sexual activities, and ignorance of a child’s age is no defence”, Justice Oshodi added.

The incident occurred on October 16, 2020, at No. 27 Olarenwaju Street, Bariga, where John attempted to penetrate the victim’s vagina with his finger. The prosecution counsel, Ms Bukola Okeowo, argued that John’s actions constituted an attempt to commit sexual assault by penetration, contrary to Section 262 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

The sentence, agreed upon in the plea bargain, reflects the seriousness of John’s crime and serves as a warning that such offences will be met with severe consequences.

The judge also ordered John to be registered as a sex offender and encouraged him to use his incarceration as an opportunity for reflection and rehabilitation.