LP Candidate Accuses REC Of Blocking Access To BVAS, Petitions INEC Chairman

Chijioke Edeoga, the governorship candidate of the Labour Party in Enugu State, has filed a complaint to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mahmoud Yakubu.

In the petition, Edeoga accuses the state’s Resident Electoral Commissioner, Chukwuemeka Chukwu, of denying his team access to inspect electoral materials, specifically the Voter Accreditation Systems (BVAS).

In the letter addressed to the INEC Chairman, Edeoga expresses his disappointment that the REC refused to grant his legal team and experts access to crucial electoral materials, despite being directed to do so.

The LP candidate had previously sent a letter through his legal representatives, requesting access to the BVAS machines used during the March governorship election. The letter, dated June 26, 2023, was received by INEC on July 3, 2023, and reminded the INEC Chairman that the tribunal had scheduled the hearing of the petition for July 7, 2023. Edeoga urged the electoral body to grant them access to the machines.

However, Edeoga states that due to the alleged refusal by the REC to provide access, a fresh letter was issued on Monday, July 6, 2023, reiterating the importance of obtaining access to the materials and reminding the INEC Chairman of the ongoing situation.

The letter reads in part: “I want to inform you that in Enugu, the LP is being frustrated from inspecting the BVAS machines, notwithstanding the numerous court orders issued in that regard. ”

The LP candidate begged the INEC chairman to prevail on the REC to allow his team “access to the BVAS machines in obedience of the properly issued order of the tribunal.”