Legal Business Conference 2023 Set To Explore Different Sectors of the Economy

For the economy of any country to boom, certain sectors of the economy must be functional. The Power and Energy sectors, Digital Technologies as well as Ease of Doing Business are critical for the advancement of the economy.

The Legal Business Network is collaborating with the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business law to deliver a unique and impactful Conference. LBC 2023 will be held on July 27, 2023 at Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Victoria Island, Lagos and virtually via Zoom.

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The theme of LBC 2023 is “Powering Tomorrow’s Economy Today”.

One Hybrid Conference, Three Engaging Sessions

The Conference comprises three sessions as follows:

Session 1: The Role of Energy in Economic Growth: Transitioning to the Next Level
Session 2: The Digital Economy and the Future of Business: The Odds and the Opportunities
Session 3: Business Enabling Environment: Is Nigeria getting it right?

Key Audience:
The conference targets policymakers, investors, energy experts, researchers, economists, lawyers, technologists, business executives and other stakeholders interested in energy, digital economy and ease of doing business.

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The first session will highlight the significance of energy in driving economic activities and shaping national development trajectories. By highlighting the integral connection between energy availability, accessibility, and affordability, and economic productivity and industrial development, it stresses the importance of transitioning to cleaner, renewable, and more efficient energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, and nuclear energy.

The digital economy has opened up new horizons for businesses, eliminating geographical barriers and enabling global reach. The second session will give insight on the transformative impact of the digital economy on businesses and the various opportunities and challenges it presents.

The business enabling environment plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth and attracting investments in any country. The third session will examine the current state of Nigeria’s business enabling environment and consider key factors such as infrastructure, regulatory framework, ease of doing business, government policies, and investment climate.

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