#LBC2023: MEET OUR SPEAKERS: Dr. Babatunde Oghenobruche Obrimah

Dr Obrimah is the Chief Operating Officer of Fintech Association of Nigeria. He is a fintech enthusiast and a multi-skilled individual with working experiences spanning the banking sector, non-bank financial services sector, financial consulting services, project management and public sector. His Professional career commenced at First Bank Nigeria Plc and worked in various banks during his banking career. He serves on the board of various Fintech companies, holds a Doctorate Degree in Business Administration (D.B.A), a M.B.A, B.Sc/M.Sc in Agronomy and has Certifications in Project Management (PMP). He has attended many courses locally and internationally including one on Digital Transformation at MIT.

The theme of the Legal Business Conference 2023 is “Powering Tomorrow’s Economy Today”.

One Hybrid Conference, Three Engaging Sessions

The Conference comprises three sessions as follows:

Session 1: The Role of Energy in Economic Growth: Transitioning to the Next Level

Session 2: The Digital Economy and the Future of Business: The Odds and the Opportunities

Session 3: Business Enabling Environment: Is Nigeria getting it right?

Dr Obrimah will be a Panelist on the second session alongside other erudite Speakers.

The Legal Business Conference will hold on 27 July 2023 at Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Victoria Island, Lagos and virtually via zoom

Click the link to register for LBC 2023 https://legalbiznetwork.com/lbc2023

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