Nigerian lawyers have been urged to always go for medical examinations and tests frequently so as to know the state of their health in order to avert body breakdown.

This was made known to lawyers yesterday by a panel of discussants on the topic “Health and Wellbeing” at the 62nd Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association holding at Eko Atlantic City, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Ms Gladys Image, a lecturer at University of Ottawa, Canada said that lawyers must always talk to their doctors when they have any health challenges. “Speak with your doctor. Most lawyers don’t go for checkps. It is very important you see your doctor regularly to discuss your health problem”, she said.

Gladys reiterated that lawyers should not wait to be sick before they have discussion with their doctors. “You don’t need to be sick to see your doctor. See professional stress managers too”, she said.

Another panelist, Mr Osaro Eghobamien, SAN , a founding partner at Perchstone and Graeys noted that positive thoughts, good nutrition, having a personal doctor, can contribute to a good health and wellbeing of a Lawyer.

He said: “You can’t take eba in the afternoon and expect to be active; it’s not possible. You have to eat light food with different composition in it; that will make you active”, he said.

Mr Ehi Iden, an occupational Safety, Health and Wellbeing Expert said that there are health laws and lawyers must also comply with it and act in accordance with the law. “Most Lawyers do not eat well due to stress and the nature of their work because they stand every time and this can make them break down at old age”, he said.

Lola Esan, a Workforce Advisory Leader said that lawyers should always have good sleep. “Sleep adequately from time to time to restore your body”, she said.

She advised that a place should be kept aside for lawyers to take a nap if they want to, at their various Offices. “A place should be provided for lawyers at their various workplace to make a nap if they want to”, she said.

Lola also further listed some ways lawyers can improve their health and wellbeing and they include; regular exercise, personal care, social care, going on vacations and workload management.

The panelists noted that heads of law firms must make their companies suitable and friendly for their employees. They noted that Lawyers should be simple and not look too serious at all times, build a friendly atmosphere, normalize office ethics and eradicate workplace bullying.

The panelists ended the interesting session by thanking the leadership of the NBA for creating a session at the conference for lawyers to know more about their health. They urged lawyers to personalise their health and make a bold transition of taking care of their health.