I’m Leaving Behind A Better Nigeria – Buhari

In his farewell speech today, outgoing President, Muhammadu Buhari says he is leaving behind a legacy of economic resilience after eight years in the saddle of leadership in the country.

Buhari said though he made difficult choices that brought pain to many Nigerians, they were however, meant for the good of the country which has now seen Nigeria move from a country of dependency to one of self-sustenance as he is leaving the country better than he met it in 2015.

“In the course of revamping the economy, we made some difficult choices, most of which yielded the desired results. Some of the measures led to temporary pain and suffering for which I sincerely apologise to my fellow countrymen, but the measures were taken for the over-all good of the country,” Buhari said.

“I am leaving behind a legacy of a country where its economy has resilience despite the global economic crisis and challenges due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Despite the pandemic, we created opportunities for Nigerians to create wealth both in the rural communities and in the urban areas.

“We put in place a lot of intervening measures to cushion the effects of the challenges so that we can provide enough food for our teeming population in every part of the country.

“Some of the policies and measures may have brought pains and hardship to many Nigerians, to which I apologise. But those policies were taken in the interest of the nation and our people and to make Nigeria a self sustainable country.

“We developed a lot of infrastructure in every part of Nigeria to ensure food sustainability and sufficiency and I am happy to say that as I am leaving Abuja to Daura, I am leaving Nigeria in 2023 better than I met it in 2015,” the President said in the farewell speech to Nigerians.