ICSAN Lagos Chapter Holds Conference, Advocates Sustainability & Governance For Economic Growth

The 2023 Annual Conference of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN) Lagos Chapter took place on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos. The theme of the Conference was Adopting Sustainability & Governance for Nigeria’s Economic Growth.

The keynote speaker at the Conference, Samuel Agbevem, Partner at FAAS & CCaSS (West Africa Ernst & Young) advocated for a corrupt free nation to ensure stability as corruption undermines democracy, diminishes the rule of law, and hinders social and economic development by diverting much needed investments from welfare and infrastructure to the pockets of corrupted individuals. “Widespread corruption can lead to general public dissatisfaction towards State institutions, disillusion with the government, which can result in unrest and instability”, he said.

Rotimi Ogunyemi, a Technology Attorney who spoke extensively on “Digital Transformation: Mega Trends in the Governance Profession” highlighted the key roles technology can play in governance as democratization of information, streamlining operations, data-driven decision-making, automation and efficiency, enhanced stakeholder engagement. He identified artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, big data analytics as technological advancements that impact governance as they collectively shape the future of governance by enhancing efficiency, transparency, and citizens’ engagement.

Another speaker, Dr Tiwalade Adeniyi, a Sustainability Expert, spoke on “Deepening Market Offering for a Sustainable Nigerian Economy: Opportunities for corporate Governance Professionnals.” He noted that corporate governance professionals should focus on enhancing transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within businesses. He urged them to explore opportunities to strengthen regulatory compliance, promote Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Integration, facilitate training programs to enhance corporate governance awareness and skills among businesses, foster a culture of good governance, encourage innovation and diversity within companies, as these factors contribute to long-term resilience and competitiveness.

Ayotola Jagun, Company Secretary of Oando Plc stressed the need for Sustainability Reporting to achieve SDG goals and economic growth. She noted the benefits of Sustainability Reporting as Transparency and Accountability, Stakeholder Engagement, Risk Management, Competitive Advantage, Investor Confidence, Regulatory Compliance, Access to Capital, Environmental Conservation, et cetera.

The Conference urged Governance Professionals to embrace Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance and Sustainability principles in all sectors.