How To Get Social Media Likes and Follows – JD Supra

Having social media likes and followers is essential for any law firm trying to generate new client referrals online through their social media accounts. The more likes and followers a law firm has on its social media pages, the better.
When individuals like or follow a law firm’s social media page, all kinds of good things happen. Namely, those who follow or like the page are likely to see the posts.
Sometimes, social media posts end up in the feed of those who follow or like the page. With other social media outlets, those who follow or like a page get a new post notification. If the individual who sees the post needs legal services, they might reach out to that law firm when they need legal help.
In contrast, many law firms post to their social pages frequently and often. But when there are few followers, not many individuals in need of services will see the post. Not having likes or followers is akin to a radio or television station not having views.
Many law firms inherently get that they need likes or follows. Yet, they have no clue how to make that happen. Below are some tips of what to do and not to do:
1.) Post Relevant ContentLaw firms that succeed post relevant, original content to their social media pages on the area of law in which they practice. It could be well-written blog posts. It could be videos that the law firm has done with information about the area of law. It could be a short tweet with relevant information about a practice area. The reality is the more relevant information for the consumer, the more likes and follows a law firm will organically obtain.
2.) Use Social Media Symbols  – Many social media webpages encourage the use of various symbols, including the hashtag (#) or at sign (@)?   These symbols are vital with any social media use. For example, while it might seem a bit hokey to lawyers, using the at sign encourages engagement and conversation with others online. When there is engagement through social media, more followers and likes often follow. Using the hashtag can likewise help branding and consumers find your law firm’s social media activity by searching relevant hashtags.
3.) Like & Follow Others – Law firms should also think about liking and following others who provide information in the same area of law. By liking and following others in the same or similar area of law, and engaging with them through the use of the at sign, others on social media often discover your law firm’s social media page. If your law firm provides relevant information on your social media page, many who follow other social media pages will organically follow your page.
4.) Avoid Self-Promotion – While some law firms may feel compelled to promote themselves on their law firm’s social media accounts, hubris posts  should be done sparingly. Few individuals want to hear solely about the awards and accolades. Likewise, few individuals wish to see puff posts where the law firm or lawyer merely brags about themselves. While some of this content is okay, legal service consumers want content that helps them. Thus, the majority of the social media content should be about the clients, not the lawyer or law firm.
5.) Avoid Generic Content – Some law firms may think about posting news articles about celebrities or those in the news that have similar cases. While posts like this are better than nothing, the information usually does not result in followers and likes. Consumers will simply bounce to these other new sources and not stay on your law firm’s social media page.  Therefore, the information a law firm posts should mostly be original and not something re-posted from another news source.
6.) Pay for Followers & Likes – Many social media sites allow businesses to run promoted ads to get likes or follows. While this is not a great long-term strategy, this can be like the fertilizer needed to obtain follows and likes out of the gates in the short term. Therefore, many law firms ought to think about running promoted advertisements on social media that helps obtain likes and followers. The cost to get follows and likes can be well worth it if it causes a law firm’s social media presence to grow. Ultimately, more likes and followers can be the gift that keeps giving in that it results in more clients through your law firm’s social media presence.
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