Head of Legal & Compliance for West and Central Africa at BAT, Osose Aziba, Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA President

In a strong show of support, Osose Aziba, Head of Legal & Compliance for West and Central Africa at BAT, has publicly endorsed Tobenna Erojikwe for the position of NBA President.

Aziba, an in-house counsel, praised Erojikwe’s inclusive approach and his positive impact on in-house, government, and regulatory lawyers. She highlighted Erojikwe’s significant contributions to the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), particularly his work with the NBA-ICLE and his role during Olumide Akpata’s tenure as NBA President.

“Of the candidates running for NBA President, I know more about Tobenna’s impact and contribution to the development of the profession in Nigeria,” Aziba stated. She emphasized Erojikwe’s extensive knowledge of the NBA system, his commitment to capacity building for lawyers, and his ability to see innovations through from start to finish.

Aziba urged voters to make an objective choice based on each candidate’s precedent and potential. She expressed her belief that Erojikwe represents the best candidate to lead the NBA at this crucial time in Nigeria’s history.

The endorsement underscores Erojikwe’s appeal to in-house counsel, a group that Aziba claims has often been sidelined in NBA leadership. She commended Erojikwe’s inclusive strategies and policy formulations that have positively impacted this segment of the legal profession.

As the NBA presidential election approaches, this endorsement from a prominent in-house counsel could potentially influence voters, especially those from corporate legal departments and regulatory bodies.

The NBA, Nigeria’s foremost professional association for lawyers, plays a crucial role in the country’s legal system and governance. The outcome of this election will determine the direction of the association in the coming years.