“He will be available”, Godson Ugochukwu, SAN Okays Majemite’s Candidacy As NBA Lagos Secretary

Godson Ugochukwu, SAN has endorsed the candidacy of Emuobonuvie Majemite as the NBA Lagos Secretary.

Godson affirms that Majemite will be available because he has genuine love for humanity and affects not authenticity.

Read his full endorsement words below;

Politicking is often characterised by pretentious declaimations and presumptuous speechifying. The result is a feast of words that leave little room for the interrogation of substance. But the discerning must delve beneath the din of combat for quality. That, in fact, is a necessity if the right choices must be made. Optics must yield to substance, posturing to purpose. We must pierce through the cosmetic to the pith of the offering. For therein lie the values we seek in they that seek the trust of our common aspirations.

The soul of any impactful organization lies in its Secretariat. It is the nerve centre of its functionality, the core of its ethics and the best exemplar of its composite values. The head of such an organ must thus be chosen with the same clarity of mind and care as the head of the organisation itself.

And this is why I heartily endorse Mr. Majemite Emuobonuvie for the office of Secretary of the NBA, Lagos Branch. Muobo is not an unknown quantity in this branch, but is of settled quality and familiar competence. He is a gentleman with the common touch. He will not yield to the headiness of power to soon forget his mandate. His feet are firmly planted in the reality of the Secretariat we need now – the building of the Secretariat of the future. Muobo will listen because he did not get to where he is today by being impervious to reason. Muobo will be available, he has genuine love for humanity and affects not authenticity. He is a visionary. I have read his manifesto. I have also seen his stewardship at the CIArb, of which I am a proud member.

I should think that these are the fundaments of our aspirations for an impactful Secretariat, the values we can all agree on.

He has my endorsement. I hope he can have yours, too. We will all be the better for it.

Godson Ugochukwu, SAN