The Children’s day 2024, was marked with the pupils of Onayade primary school today being the 28th day of May, 2024. The head teacher and other teachers warmly received FIDANs and a welcome song was rendered by the pupils.

Fidan Nnenna Nwaokobia gave the opening speech and formally introduced Fidans present(Ngozi Arinze and Edirin Eshiet)and representatives of our collaborative partners(IDR Memorial Foundation) who donated Cartons of Noodles and Chin Chin.

The purpose of FIDA’s visit was highlighted by Mrs Nnenna Nwaokobia, Chairperson of the Projects Committee. A Goodwill message was given by representatives of the IDR Memorial Foundation who also made remarks about the mission of their Foundation.
The school’s head teacher gave a welcome address and appreciated FIDA for coming to the school.

Fidan Ngozi Arinze sensitized the pupils about their rights as contained in the fundamental human rights section of the Constitution and more particularly the Child Rights Act.

Dance and drama sessions from the children followed the brief talk on child rights..The drama x-rayed bullying in schools and it’s negative effect.

Another highlight of the day was the ‘Spelling Bee’ session.The pupils made wonderful attempts at spellings of words requested to be spelt.
Questions were asked by Fidan Nnenna on the rights of a child and answers were given.

Finally, the pupils were encouraged to reach out to their teachers when they or their mothers, sisters or any other child known to them are in danger. FIDA fliers were distributed to the teachers in that respect.

The pupils were given gift packs with biscuits, gala, juice while the teachers, Fidans and other guests present were given snacks and drinks. The three winners of ‘Spelling Bee’s segment were given water bottles and an extra puzzle book for the pupil that came first. Bonus question winners were given exercise books as prizes.

Photo sessions concluded the program. The pupils and teachers were elated as they bid us farewell.

Blessings of God, good wishes and reward for labour of love to the FIDANS that attended today’s program.

Nnenna Nwaokobia (Mrs.)
Chairperson, Projects Committee.