FCTA To Prosecute Owners Over Illegal Structures In Neighbourhoods

Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has will begin to prosecute owners building illegal structures especially containers in their neighbourhoods.

This was stated by the senior special assistant to FCT minister on monitoring, inspection and enforcement, comrade Ikharo Attah, while removing illegal structures in Kubwa and Dutse communities in Abuja.

He stated that refusal to stop this act will prompt them to be served abatement notice and charge them to court

“If they refused to stop, we will serve them abatement notice and take them to court. It is unacceptable that you have already rented your house and you are not satisfied and start renting the front of your house for containers, and shanties,” he said.

He also condemned the fact the people that are building under extremely high-tension transmission wires, explaining that it is hazardous to their health and also very dangerous in case of an accident.

Attah further said it is unacceptable that beautiful neighborhoods are littered with shanties and containers.

“It is worrisome that you see a very beautiful neighborhood and you just found shanties, containers on the streets. The FCTA is worried about this. We want to warn residents not to encourage illegality on their fences and gates, it harbours criminals.

“We want to task residents to discourage this, the first containers that come up, they should ensure that they remove it so that we have a beautiful environment and not have a haven for criminals,” he said.