Election Tribunal: Peter Obi’s Court Case Joke Of The Century — Fani-Kayode

Femi Fani-Kayode, a spokesman of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has insulted Peter Obi’s supporters by calling the election tribunal case the biggest joke of all time.

On Tuesday, Obi, the Labour Party’s nominee for president in the election of February 25, formally filed a petition challenging Bola Tinubu’s candidacy.

Fani-Kayode made fun of “Obidients” when discussing the court case on his official Twitter account, pointing out that their illusions and hopes had been permanently crushed.

The former minister asserts that Obi’s supporters are and always will be in political obscurity.

Concerning the case at the election tribunal, Fani-Kayode stated that it is the joke of the century and will go nowhere.

“Dear Obidients, despite all your social media gra gra, insults and noise you have not won ONE state in the federation.

“You are even struggling to claim Abia which I hope you win lest you commit suicide.

“Chaiii! Looks like your crazy delusions and wild dreams have been shattered forever.

“Yet instead of focusing on fixing your infantile and obvious shortcomings and inexhaustible stupidity, you are still obsessing about Lagos.

“Hear this and eat it: your Obidient bubble has burst forever.

“From now on it is downhill for you. You are now in political oblivion and you will remain there.

“Your hateful and divisive disposition and cause and your religious and ethnic bigotry have destroyed you.

“As for your court case challenging Asiwaju, it is the joke of the century.

“It’s not going anywhere and you will come out crying.

“We shall spank you hard there and flush you down the toilet just as we have done in all the elections.

“The message is simple and clear: politics is for the big boys and not for the misguided, rude, vulgar, vain and deluded”, the post reads