CYBERSECURITY IN HEALTHCARE: The Role of Cybersecurity in Patient Care within Healthcare Administration

By Aleke Francis AO

In the digital age, healthcare administration is increasingly reliant on technology to provide efficient and effective patient care. The integration of technology has revolutionized healthcare but has also exposed the industry to new vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in healthcare administration in pursuant to safeguarding patient care in this complex landscape, particularly ensuring that patient data remains secure, efficient, and of high quality and healthcare services are uninterrupted. This article will concentrate on the highlights below;

How Cybersecurity came to bear of integration into Healthcare Administration

This integration of cybersecurity into healthcare administration has evolved over time in response to various factors and technological advancements. This comes into play as a result of a natural progression driven by the need for efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of patient information. Electronic Health Records (EHRs), telemedicine, and connected medical devices have become common practice, improving healthcare delivery.

However, this integration introduced new challenges and risks, making cybersecurity an essential component of modern healthcare. Cybersecurity integration into healthcare administration is an ongoing process that continues to evolve as new technologies and cyber threats emerge. Healthcare organizations must adapt their security measures and practices to ensure that patient data remains confidential and healthcare services remain uninterrupted in the face of evolving cyber risks. An overview of its origin and development are highlighted as follows:

Early Healthcare Information Systems (HIS): The use of information systems in healthcare administration dates back to the 1960s and 1970s when early Healthcare Information Systems (HIS) were introduced. These systems focused primarily on streamlining administrative and billing processes, such as medical billing and appointment scheduling. Security concerns were minimal during this period, as these systems were largely isolated and not connected to external networks.

Digital Medical Records (EHRs): The 1990s saw the emergence of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). EHRs allowed healthcare providers to digitize patient records, making them more accessible and efficient. As more patient data became digital, the need for securing electronic health information grew.

HIPAA and Regulatory Frameworks: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 in the United States was a significant milestone in healthcare cybersecurity. HIPAA mandated the protection of patient data and established standards for its security and privacy. This regulatory framework laid the foundation for cybersecurity in healthcare administration.

Connectivity and the Internet: With the advent of the internet and networked systems, healthcare administration began to interconnect various components, including EHRs, medical devices, and telemedicine platforms. This connectivity brought about greater convenience but also exposed healthcare systems to cyber threats.

Rise of Cyber Threats: In the early 2000s, healthcare organizations started to experience cyberattacks and data breaches. These incidents ranged from unauthorized access to ransomware attacks, making it evident that healthcare systems were vulnerable to cyber threats.

Healthcare Data Breaches: High-profile data breaches, such as the 2015 Anthem breach, brought attention to the vulnerability of healthcare data. These incidents exposed the personal and medical information of millions of patients, highlighting the need for better cybersecurity practices.

Legislation and Compliance: In response to the growing threat landscape, governments introduced stricter data protection regulations and cybersecurity requirements for healthcare organizations. In addition to HIPAA, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and various state-level regulations set higher standards for healthcare cybersecurity.

Technological Advancements: The integration of advanced technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices and telehealth platforms, expanded the attack surface in healthcare. These technologies also introduced new security challenges, necessitating the development of more sophisticated cybersecurity measures.

Cybersecurity Awareness and Investment: Healthcare administrators and providers have become increasingly aware of the importance of cybersecurity in safeguarding patient data and care. They have invested in security tools, training, and incident response capabilities.

Global Health Crises: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine and remote healthcare services. This shift further emphasized the need for secure digital healthcare infrastructure and remote patient care platforms.

Highlight of notable global attacks on patients care
Notable global attacks on patient care have intimated an insightful leeway on the critical importance of cybersecurity in healthcare administration. These attacks, some of which have had far-reaching consequences, serve as cautionary tales about the vulnerabilities inherent in the healthcare sector.

These notable attacks underscore the fact that the healthcare sector is not immune to cyber threats.
Patient care depends on the secure and uninterrupted access to medical records and devices. As demonstrated by these incidents, lapses in cybersecurity can lead to serious disruptions in healthcare services, potentially endangering patient lives and privacy.

It is crucial for healthcare administrators, providers, and patients to remain vigilant and invest in robust cybersecurity measures to protect the integrity of patient care in an increasingly digital world. Here, this article will expound on a few notable examples:
WannaCry Ransomware Attack (2017): The WannaCry ransomware attack was a global cyberattack that affected over 150 countries. It notably impacted the healthcare sector, disrupting patient care. For instance, in the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) suffered significant downtime, with hospitals and clinics unable to access patient records. The attackers demanded ransom payments in exchange for decrypting the affected systems. This attack demonstrated the real-world consequences of inadequate cybersecurity, including postponed surgeries and patient care disruptions.

NotPetya (Petya) Ransomware Attack (2017): NotPetya, another large-scale ransomware attack, affected a wide range of organizations, including healthcare facilities. In Ukraine, this attack disrupted the operations of hospitals and medical facilities, making patient care difficult. NotPetya used a compromised software update to spread, emphasizing the importance of securing the supply chain in healthcare technology.

Ryuk Ransomware Attacks (Ongoing): Ryuk is a particularly aggressive strain of ransomware known for targeting healthcare organizations. These attacks encrypt critical healthcare systems and demand substantial ransoms for decryption keys. Several hospitals and healthcare providers have fallen victim to Ryuk, causing significant disruption in patient care. The sophistication of Ryuk attacks underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Accellion Data Breach (2021): In this case, a data breach affected healthcare organizations using Accellion’s file transfer software. Attackers gained access to sensitive patient data, potentially compromising patient privacy and security. This incident highlights the risks associated with third-party software providers and the need for stringent vendor security assessments.

DarkOverlord (Various Attacks): The DarkOverlord is a hacking group notorious for targeting healthcare providers and threatening to release patient data unless ransoms are paid. Over the years, they have attacked numerous healthcare organizations, causing distress and raising concerns about the security of patient records.

Crimeware and Phishing Attacks (Ongoing): The healthcare sector is a frequent target for various crimeware and phishing attacks. Malicious actors often use deceptive emails and social engineering to gain access to healthcare networks, compromising patient data and the continuity of patient care.

Success tactics known to help mitigate against cyberattacks on patients care
While cybersecurity challenges in healthcare are significant, there have been notable successes and initiatives aimed at countering attacks on patient care. These successes demonstrate the healthcare sector’s commitment to enhancing security and protecting patients. These tactics further buttress healthcare sectors’ immense effort in combatting cybersecurity challenges.

The collaboration, awareness, and technological advancements are enhancing the industry’s resilience against cyber threats, ultimately safeguarding patient care. However, it is important to recognize that the evolving nature of cyber threats necessitates ongoing vigilance and investment in cybersecurity measures to ensure the continued protection of patient information and the uninterrupted delivery of healthcare services. This article explored some examples of successful measures and initiatives:

Improvement in Threat Detection: Healthcare organizations have made strides in enhancing their threat detection capabilities. Advanced intrusion detection systems and security information and event management (SIEM) solutions have become integral in identifying and responding to cyber threats promptly.

Collaborative Information Sharing: Organizations like the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center (H-ISAC) facilitate information sharing and collaboration among healthcare providers to better respond to threats collectively. This sharing of intelligence and best practices has helped thwart attacks and bolster the sector’s overall security posture.

Increased Awareness and Training: Healthcare staffs are of recent receiving more comprehensive training in recognizing and responding to cyber threats. Regular security awareness programs educate employees on phishing attempts, secure password management, and other best practices, reducing the human factor in cyberattacks.

Ransomware Mitigation Efforts: Many healthcare organizations have successfully mitigated ransomware attacks through proactive measures like regular data backups, network segmentation, and improved patch management. These measures have allowed healthcare providers to recover from attacks without paying ransoms.

Security Frameworks and Standards: The adoption of cybersecurity frameworks and standards, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework and the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls, has helped healthcare organizations establish structured and effective security practices.

Medical Device Security Initiatives: Recognizing the vulnerabilities of connected medical devices, initiatives and guidelines like the Manufacturer Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security (MDS2), the FDA’s and National Agency for Food & Drug Administration & Control (NAFDAC) pre-market and post-market guidance have pushed for improved security in medical devices.

Secure Telehealth Platforms: The rapid expansion of telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the development of more secure telehealth platforms. These platforms include robust encryption, multi-factor authentication, and secure video conferencing, ensuring patient data remains private during remote consultations.

Data Encryption and Access Control: The encryption of sensitive patient data and the implementation of strict access controls within healthcare systems have helped prevent unauthorized access to electronic health records (EHRs) and other critical information.

Legislative and Regulatory Actions: Government bodies have taken steps to enhance healthcare cybersecurity. For example, the U.S. government passed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015, which promotes information sharing and establishes cybersecurity standards for healthcare organizations.

Emerging Technologies: Healthcare is increasingly adopting advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to predict and identify potential cyber threats in real-time, improving overall cybersecurity.

*Healthcare Providers’ Responsibilities*
Healthcare providers shoulder significant responsibilities in maintaining cybersecurity in patient care. They must implement robust security measures, including encryption, access controls, and secure telehealth platforms. Regular security audits, disaster recovery plans, and employee training on cybersecurity best practices are vital components of their role.

Patients’ Responsibilities
Patients also have a role in cybersecurity within healthcare administration. They should be vigilant about sharing personal information and using secure communication channels. Being cautious about the sources of health-related information they access online can prevent misinformation and potential cyber threats.

What needs to be done prior to Patient Care
Before patient care, healthcare providers must ensure that all electronic systems are secure and up to date. This includes verifying the integrity of medical devices, securing EHRs, and training staff on security protocols. Patients should also be educated on how to protect their personal information when interacting with healthcare providers.

During Patient Care
During patient care, maintaining patient privacy and data security is crucial. Healthcare professionals must be diligent in ensuring that confidential information remains confidential. Communication through secure channels, adherence to privacy regulations, and secure device usage are of utmost importance.

After Discharge of the Patient
After a patient is discharged, cybersecurity remains relevant. Healthcare providers must continue to protect patient records and information. Regularly reviewing and updating security measures, monitoring for any suspicious activities, and securely archiving patient data are post-discharge responsibilities.

Remediation techniques to apply by Healthcare Administrators in terms of Cyberattacks on patients’ data resulting in demand of Ransom

When healthcare administrators are faced with a cyberattack in which a ransom is demanded in exchange for not leaking patient data, it is crucial to proceed cautiously and prioritize the security of the information. Furthermore, it is of utmost importance to note that preventing ransomware attacks through robust cybersecurity measures is the best approach.

However, if an attack occurs, healthcare administrators must follow a well-defined incident response plan, prioritize patient data security, and engage the appropriate experts and authorities to remediate the situation effectively. Some key known remediation techniques and steps they should consider include:

Do Not Pay the Ransom: Healthcare administrators should resist paying the ransom. Paying does not guarantee that the attackers will release the data or that they will not demand more money. Additionally, it incentivizes future attacks.

Contain the Breach: Isolate compromised systems and devices to prevent further spread of the breach. Disconnect affected systems from the network and block unauthorized access points.

Notify Authorities: Report the cyberattack to law enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. Cooperation with law enforcement can aid in tracking down the attackers and gathering evidence.

Engage Cybersecurity Experts: Consult with cybersecurity experts or incident response teams who have experience in dealing with ransomware attacks. They have the technical expertise in provision of guidance on the finest course of necessary actions and help in the scrutinized recovery process.

Assess Data Impact: Determine the extent of the data breach, including what types of patient data were compromised and how many records were affected. This assessment is crucial for understanding the potential risks and for compliance with data breach notification requirements.

Restore Data from Backups: If proper backups are in place, restore the affected data from clean backup copies. Ensure that the backup copies are not compromised and have been tested for integrity.

Implement Stronger Security Measures: Strengthen the organization’s cybersecurity measures. This may include improving access controls, updating security policies, and patching vulnerabilities to prevent future attacks.
Provide Legal and Regulatory Notifications: Comply with legal and regulatory requirements for data breach notifications. Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be specific timelines and notification processes to follow.

Enhance Employee Training: Conduct further cybersecurity training for employees, emphasizing the importance of security best practices, recognizing phishing attempts, and reporting suspicious activities.

Monitor for Further Intrusions: Continuously monitor network and system activities for signs of further intrusions or attacks. Implement threat detection and monitoring solutions to identify unusual behavior.

Audit Third-Party Vendors: Assess the security of third-party vendors who may have been involved in the breach. Strengthen vendor security assessments to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Legal and Public Relations Strategy: Consult with legal and public relations teams to manage potential legal and reputational consequences. Develop a strategy for addressing patient concerns and protecting the organization’s reputation.

Data Encryption and Access Control: Implement stronger data encryption and access control measures to protect patient data. Emplace restriction to unauthorized data accessibility by healthcare personnel.

Incident Documentation: Keep detailed records of the incident, including actions taken, communication with the attackers (if any), and the steps taken to recover. This documentation may be valuable for law enforcement and compliance purposes.

General Cybersecurity Principles the Healthcare Sector Should Prioritize
Cybersecurity in healthcare administration is integral to safeguarding patient care. It protects patient data, ensures privacy, and maintains the integrity of healthcare services. It is a continuous effort that involves a combination of technology, policy, and education to address the evolving landscape of cyber threats in the healthcare sector.

While addressing the Cybersecurity challenges in healthcare administration, the following should be highly noted:
Data Protection: One of the primary responsibilities of cybersecurity in healthcare is protecting patient data. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) contain sensitive information like medical histories, diagnoses, and billing data. Cybersecurity measures, such as encryption and access controls, safeguard this information from unauthorized access and breaches.

Patient Privacy: Maintaining patient privacy is not just a legal requirement but also an ethical obligation. Cybersecurity ensures that personal information remains confidential, building trust between patients and healthcare providers.

Preventing Data Breaches: Cyberattacks and data breaches can have severe consequences. Healthcare organizations must invest in robust security systems to prevent breaches. Cybersecurity tools like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits help identify vulnerabilities and patch them.

Ransomware Protection: Ransomware attacks can disrupt healthcare services and put patient lives at risk. Cybersecurity strategies, including regular data backups and employee training on recognizing phishing attempts, are vital in preventing and mitigating ransomware attacks.

Maintaining Integrity of Medical Devices: Many medical devices, such as infusion pumps and pacemakers, are now connected to the internet. Cybersecurity ensures the integrity of these devices, preventing unauthorized access and potential tampering.

✓ *Telemedicine Security:* With the growth of telemedicine, healthcare providers and patients share sensitive information over digital channels. Robust encryption and secure telehealth platforms are critical to maintain confidentiality.

Compliance with Regulations: Healthcare organizations must adhere to strict regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Cybersecurity is vital for complying with these regulations and avoiding legal penalties.

Crisis Preparedness: Cybersecurity includes having disaster recovery and incident response plans in place. In the event of a cyberattack, these plans ensure that patient care can continue with minimal disruptions.

Training and Awareness: Healthcare staff must be educated about cybersecurity best practices to reduce the human factor in security breaches. Regular training sessions and awareness programs help staff recognize and respond to security threats.

Patient Trust and Reputation: Healthcare institutions that demonstrate a commitment to cybersecurity build trust with their patients. A strong reputation for data security can attract more patients and retain existing ones.

Cost Savings: While implementing robust cybersecurity measures may seem costly, the potential financial damage from a data breach or cyberattack far outweighs these initial investments.

Research and Development: Cybersecurity also plays a role in securing medical research data and intellectual property. Protecting this information is crucial for medical advancements and innovation.

In conclusion, the role of cybersecurity in healthcare administration is fundamental for the modern healthcare system. It safeguards patient data, maintains privacy, and ensures the seamless delivery of healthcare services. The integration of technology brings significant benefits, but it also requires healthcare providers and patients to be vigilant and proactive in protecting patient care in the digital age. Prioritizing data security, education, compliance, preparedness, and the security of integrated systems is paramount in achieving this goal.


Aleke Francis AO is a Cybersecurity expert, CyberThreat Intelligence Analyst, Researcher and an InfoTech blogger. He can be reached on, 08062062303