Court Jails Ex-Kannywood Actress

A magistrate’s court sitting at Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano has sentenced Kannywood actress, Sadiya Haruna, to six months in prison without an option of a fine.

She was arraigned before the court on charges of defaming her ex-boyfriend and singer, Isa A. Isa.

In a viral video, the actress was seen describing Isa as a “homosexual, bastard, and an unrepentant womaniser”.

She had alleged that the actor demanded anal sex from her.

The actress and social media blogger had earlier been arrested by the Kano state Hisbah board for allegedly sharing sexual content on her handles.

The court presided over by, Justice Muntari Garba Dandago, sentenced the controversial ex-actress for defaming Isa’s character.

In 2019, Sadiya had accused the of initiating her into “short term marriage”, while she continued to share his videos on her Instagram page.

He, however, denied the allegation and dragged her before the court for alleged character assassination.

Just last week Friday, Sadiya alleged a threat to her life, saying some hired thugs tried to pour acid on her face

In 2021, the actress was arrested by the Kano State Hisbah Board and ordered her to go back to Islamiyyah school in order to acquire more Islamic knowledge.