Court Declares Appointment of Osun Monarch Illegal

A court sitting in Osun State on Thursday declared the appointment of Prince Josiah Adeleke as the new Ola-Aresa of Masifa-Ile illegal.

A member of the Lateru Ruling House, Pa David Tomori, and two others challenged the appointment of Adeleke as the Ola-Aresa by the state government. in court.

In his ruling on the matter, Justice Jide Falola declared the stool vacant, saying the state government was misled into appointing Adeleke to the throne.

He also ordered the investigation of anyone laying claim to the stool.

Justice Falola said: “It is obvious the Osun State government has been misled into taking illegal action. It might not have been deliberate, because it is unusual.

“The government ordinarily upholds the law, and there is need to warn whoever might have misled the government to take caution.

“Only a few weeks ago, the Court of Appeal, Akure berated government adviser for misleading it into taking another illegal action with respect to Alawo of Awo chieftaincy stool.

“I declare that based on the processes found in the case file, and submission of counsel, the Office of Ola-Aresa of Masifa-Ile, the traditional ruler of Masifa-Ile is still vacant till date. Whosoever is claiming to occupying that Office should be investigated and if found guilty be casted away.”