CAC Alerts Businesses and NGOs on New Dispute Resolution Mechanism Under CAMA 2020

The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) wishes to draw the attention of its esteemed customers and the general public to the provisions of the Administrative Proceeding Committee (APC) as enshrined in section 851 of CAMA, 2020.

The Administrative Proceedings Committee (APC) is a novel provision of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), 2020 which is aimed at ensuring EASE OF DOING BUSINESS and sustainability for companies, clubs, associations or nongovernmental organizations.

Section 851 of CAMA, 2020, provides a platform for any persons with grievances or complaints in any matter relating to its registered entity to report the matter to the Administrative Proceedings Committee (APC).

The APC will entertain complaints and adjudicate on noncriminal matters on issues arising form the operations of the entitles or associations.