Agba Eimunjeze, Former NBA Lagos Branch Legal Adviser, Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA Presidency

In a significant development in the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) presidential race, Agba Eimunjeze, FCIArb, Managing Partner of Aarndale Solicitors and former Legal Adviser of the NBA Lagos Branch, has issued a strong endorsement for Tobenna Erojikwe’s candidacy. Eimunjeze, who served as Legal Adviser to the NBA Lagos Branch from 2021 to 2023, lauds Erojikwe’s leadership qualities and potential for bringing transformative change to the NBA.

In his endorsement, Eimunjeze highlights Erojikwe’s problem-solving skills, stating, “Tobenna Erojikwe has always impressed me with his ability to tackle complex challenges head-on, consistently delivering innovative solutions that lead teams to exceptional outcomes.” This observation speaks to Erojikwe’s capacity to navigate the multifaceted issues facing the NBA in today’s rapidly evolving legal landscape.

Eimunjeze also emphasizes Erojikwe’s interpersonal skills, noting, “His natural talent for effective communication creates collaborative environments where strong relationships with colleagues and clients flourish effortlessly.” This quality could prove crucial in uniting diverse factions within the NBA and fostering productive relationships with external stakeholders.

The endorsement goes on to praise Erojikwe’s character and professional demeanor: “Tobenna’s integrity, professionalism, and positive attitude make him not just a valued member of any team, but someone respected and admired by everyone who works with him.” These attributes, Eimunjeze suggests, are essential for a leader who must command respect and inspire confidence across the entire spectrum of the NBA’s membership.

Perhaps most significantly, Eimunjeze expresses his confidence in Erojikwe’s ability to effect meaningful change within the organization: “With his extensive experience, unwavering integrity, and visionary leadership, I have no doubt that Tobenna will bring about positive and transformative change to the NBA.” This statement positions Erojikwe not just as a capable administrator, but as a visionary leader who can guide the NBA through its next phase of evolution.

Concluding his endorsement with a call to action, Eimunjeze declares, “With a deep sense of responsibility, I declare that I am in full support of Tobenna’s ambition to lead the Bar and I encourage all legal practitioners with a desire to see a transformation in our dear association to vote for him.”

This endorsement from a recent NBA Lagos Branch Legal Adviser carries significant weight, particularly given Lagos’s status as a key hub of legal practice in Nigeria. Eimunjeze’s intimate knowledge of the NBA’s workings, combined with his professional standing as Managing Partner of Aarndale Solicitors and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, lends credibility to his assessment of Erojikwe’s qualifications.

As the NBA presidential election approaches, this endorsement could sway undecided voters, especially those looking for a candidate with a proven track record of innovative leadership and the potential to bring about meaningful change within the association.

The emphasis on Erojikwe’s integrity, communication skills, and ability to tackle complex challenges resonates with the current needs of the NBA, as the association grapples with evolving legal landscapes, technological advancements, and the need for greater unity and collaboration among its members.

As the legal community in Nigeria digests this endorsement, it remains to be seen how it will impact the dynamics of the race and whether it will inspire other prominent figures within the NBA to publicly declare their support for Erojikwe or other candidates in the final stretch before the election.