MIT Professor Files Lawsuit After Forced Resignation Following Sexual Harassment Allegations – Legal Reader

In some cases, claims of sexual harassment can be false, leading to defamation of character and life changing circumstances. Contact an attorney to handle your case if you find yourself facing false claims and charges. 
According to the Boston Globe, a prominent professor at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was recently forced to resign amid sexual harassment allegations at the Biomed Institute, where he worked. Upon his resignation, the professor filed a lawsuit that claims he is the victim of false claims, which were made to exact revenge on his former lover, according to records provided by the court. 
The professor continues to claim that he had a consensual relationship with his accuser, who worked with him at the University. The lawsuit furthers that their relationship ended in 2019, under the guise of not wanting to pursue a long-term relationship. His lover eventually fabricated claims that he had sexually harassed her while on the job. 
After these claims, the Institute launched an investigation and the professor lost all of his labs and awards worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a damage to his reputation. This investigation may also make it impossible for him to find future funding research funding in the future. 
This lawsuit alleges defamation, wrongful interference with employment, relationships, with funders and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress. 
Why sexual harassment is performed in the workplace needs to be handled with care and taken seriously. 
Massachusetts law prohibits any form of sexual harassment in any setting. Oftentimes, if left unaddressed, sexual harassment can lead to more severe sexual crimes. Both men and women are vulnerable and susceptible to harassment and can come in many forms. Sexual harassment can be elusive, leaving victims to even question what they have just experienced.
In some cases, claims of sexual harassment can be false, leading to defamation of character and life changing circumstances. Contact an attorney to handle your case if you find yourself facing false claims and charges.
Sexual harassment or harassment of any kind can occur in many ways. Others may perceive that the threatening messages to be harassment. Massachusetts Law prohibits and punishes is extra harsh on incidents of sexual harassment that involve children. In the unfortunate event that anyone experiences sexual harassment in the workplace , it is recommended to do the following:
Boston natives and students who witness sexual harassment in any way, shape, or form should not be taken lightly. These incidents should be reported and handled with the utmost respect and care. Help is available! You are entitled to peace of mind and protection from sexual harassment! Contact a skilled attorney today! 
Unfortunately, leaving sexual harassment claims ignored or unaddressed can cause worse emotional turmoil in the future. You may be entitled to compensation and your rights deserve to be represented. In most cases, is it recommended to contact the services of a skilled legal expert in these cases. Seek legal counsel in the city of Boston and the State of Massachusetts today.
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