4 key legal challenges for employers in 2022 – BenefitsPro

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to change and evolve, it has forced businesses across the country and here in Texas to do the same. From the battle over vaccine requirements to the shift to remote work, employers have dealt with an incredible number of changes over the last couple of years. And it looks like the new year will be no exception. Here are four key legal challenges employers should consider and prepare for heading into 2022.
Challenge #1: Determining a workplace COVID strategy and how best to navigate the uncertain legal landscape.
Terri Mock |
Not being prepared for an attack can cause serious harm to both companies and their employees.
Lynn Pollack |
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced a push for greater transparency in how private equity-owned health care firms operate.
Melanie Waddell |
And contribution limits for IRAs, COLAs, and catch-up contributions.
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