2024 Elections: Tobenna Erojikwe Petitions Appeal Committee

I am constrained to humbly ask that you recuse yourselves from further conduct of theproceedings of the Nigeria Bar Association National Officers Elections Appeal Committee (the Appeal Committee) as Chairman and Members, with regard to the Petition I filed
against the Elections of 20th July, 2024 because I strongly believe that there is the likelihood of bias against me. My opinion is partly based on (i) the events that happened between Friday, 9th August to Monday, 12th August, 2024; (ii) and public expression of partisanship from the Chairman and some members of the Appeal Committee.

On Friday, 9th August, 2024, my legal team filed three subpoenas duces tecum against three of the Respondents to compel them to produce relevant documents used in the conduct and administration of the Elections of 20th July, 2024. The following day, Saturday, 10th August, 2024, by 1:50PM, my legal team received an email from the Appeal Committee informing them that sitting would commence on Monday, 12th August, 2024.

The email did not contain the time and the venue of the sitting but stated that my lawyers would be informed if their physical presence would be required. However, we did not receive any further directives about the venue and the time.

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